How to buy on Interactive Male
We offer 3 easy ways to buy
Over the Phone
Dial your local Interactive Male phone number.
Customer Service
Also, our friendly customer service team is available 24/7 to process your purchase as quickly as possible.
Choose the option that's right for you

Discover card is only available to US residents.
Interactive Male accepts credit and debit cards with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover (Discover available to US residents only) logo. We offer super deals for new members who choose credit or debit cards for their first purchase!
When you use a credit or debit card to place your order online or on the phone, we use the discrete billing name of TELIGENCE to keep your purchases private. The phone number that appears goes to our discrete billing department where they do not divulge information unless they are talking to you.

No credit cards but still want the awesome introductory deal? No problem! Just swing by a local convenience store, gas station, or big name store like Wal-Mart, Walgreens or Target, and pick up a pre-paid credit card. Just make sure you buy one that will cover the package price and whatever taxes might be in your area. This is an excellent way to buy if you want the extra anonymity of not having it appear on a statement.
Interactive Male accepts payments by PayPal, the trusted online payment system used by the world’s most popular websites. To add time by PayPal all you need is a PayPal account and you’re good to go! Head over to the Buy Time page to get started!
Visit to create your free PayPal account.
Check-by-phone is only available to US residents.
Call our friendly customer service team toll-free at 1-800-661-6168, anytime. Ask about our super deals for new members who choose check-by-phone for their first purchase!
You can also join Interactive Male with a cash payment through Western Union. It’s fast and easy, with no credit card or checking account required! Better still—we’ll reimburse your Western Union fee by giving you extra chat time on Interactive Male! Here’s how:
Go to your nearest Western Union and fill out the blue and white Quick Collect form using the following information:
US Customers:
- Pay to: Teligence
- Code City: BMI
- State: WA
- Dollar Amount: Choose from one of our affordable Interactive Male packages.
- Sender’s Account Number With Company: Existing members, use your five-digit Interactive Male membership number. New members, use “2222”
Canadian Customers:
- Pay to: Teligence
- Code City: BCCHAT
- State: BC
- Dollar Amount: Choose from one of our affordable Interactive Male packages.
- Sender’s Account Number With Company: Existing members, use your five-digit Interactive Male membership number. New members, use “2222”
Then, call our customer service team toll-free at 1-800-661-6168 to complete your order. Remember to have your Western Union receipt with you when you call.
Call Western Union toll-free at 1.800.238.5772 or go to the to find your closest Western Union.